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free thought (十八世紀不受傳統宗教思想束縛的)自由思想。

free throw

Is homesick the earth earnestly hopeing of chong of old day , in the mind being originating talent revealing itself wish , is the fairy tales same as splendidly against gorgeous free thinking 想家是地老天茺的渴盼,是來自心中的脫穎而出的祝愿,是童話般美妙與絢爛的的暢想

“ i would die like a shot , to know that the earth would really be cleaned of the people . it ' s the most beautiful and freeing thought . “如果我得悉地球果真會清除所有的人類,那么我會毫不猶豫地死去,這是最美好、最令人舒心的想法。 ”

Tolerance : the foundation of hu shi ' free thoughts 胡適的容忍論